It’s 2022 and We Will Keep Moving | Editorial Team

In 2020, driven by two goals—publish Afrocentric literature from emerging writers with little or no publication history for free, and pay our contributors well—Ubong Johnson founded Fiction Niche Literary Magazine.

It’s 2022 now, almost two years since the first works were published here, and our small team of three readers, one graphic artist, and two editors, are still driven by these goals.

Although we have have been confronted by many failures and inconsistencies able to deter us, we refuse to tire. To let our enthusiasm and commitment waver. Like water, we will keep going.

This year, we are daring enough to pursue even bigger goals:

i.) In the first quarter of this year, we want to move our site to a more secure web-host, as hackers have attempted but failed to gain access to our databases many times these past weeks.

ii.) We want to create an e-Book store on our website, where writers can display their chapbooks for free.

iii.) We want to begin publishing our issues in print, too, paying contributors not less than $10 each for their work.

iv.) We want to begin nominating our contributing stories, essays, and poems for relevant prizes.

v.) We want to host writing masterclasses around August.

We are positive about actualizing these goals on or before the speculated time frames.

Seeing that we are a small team of volunteers, for this to happen we will be needing your support in any capacity you can offer it.

You can support us by sharing our links on your social media pages and timelines, mentioning us on relevant posts, and/or by donating money to us.

As little as $1 can push us a ’stepping stone’ forward and will be greatly appreciated.

Donations can be sent to our Nigerian bank account:

Bank: Zenith Bank
Account number: 2209394461

We will continue to send bi-monthly emails to our subscribers, offering book suggestions and writing prompts. And every month, we will feature an outstanding work published by us, giving the writer special recognition on our social media platforms.

Stay with us. It’s going to be an amazing year. We are hopeful that you’ll be reading some of the year’s best here.

Editorial Team