This is how you run a stitch:
you cut out a piece & pattern
some of your catharsis
from where the moon
would listen/
Like broken seams of promises,
stitched on nights, without a feeling
/ a fine fear / where sketches
of each comes dark in squiggly
hues and its truth weaved in modes of silence/
With a shadow trapped to each dart
You visit God’s own house
Where top stitches are his own line of

Michael Anyanwu is a bibliophile, who writes when he needs some real sanity. He studies English and Literature at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is an aspiring Ghostwriter, and an Editor at the Upwrite Magazine, Nigeria. His works have appeared on the Culturalweekly, The Muse Journal (A creative writing Journal founded by Chinua Achebe in 1963), and elsewhere. He is currently the Chief Librarian at the department of English And Literary Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.