fall among the stars | Rebecca Aran

Dear M,

When rain feels like knives, it is because I wonder how I ever thought something could become of this. Of us.

I wonder how I looked at you, and did not recognize that you were too far out of my league: breathtakingly beautiful and honest and creative.

I was drawn like moth to a flame, like a fly to a corpse.

I haven’t cried about you from the start yet. But I want you to know that the day I do, I’ll quietly block you on all social platforms and rest. Because I’m not the best. I’m bloody mediocre and I know it.

But that doesn’t mean I deserve pain when all I’ve ever asked for is love.


The Author:

Rebecca Aran is a storyteller and voice over artist studying international relations because politics looks cool. When she isn’t writing, she’s editing videos purely for the aesthetics or reading more fanfiction about Naruto. She can be found on Facebook and Instagram as @RevyNara.

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