1st May, 2021. Today sure seems like a great day to be happy; with yourself and with the world around you—in all its beauty. For a start, thank you for stopping by at our blog! Means you have decided to be art-stunned, yeah? Whatever that means, haha. But, welcome.
You might want to grab some coffee as you sit to read through our Issue #1: Pain and Everything In-between. And be sure to let yourself feel whatever emotion takes a hold of your mind as you read.
A few weeks ago, whilst I sat behind my laptop editing a load of work, a thought came to me: What is pain? And what is in between pain? I had been in one of those usual low points a writer plunges into when he feels like he isn’t doing enough with his creativity.
But when the thought came, I brightened up. Like Sayani writes in her poem, Night Adds On—although in different words,—inside me, something bloomed. The idea for Pain and Everything In-between as an issue was born.
I sent out a call for submissions. You responded to this call. Our editors got to work. And now, the magic you are about to read has become a reality. We are thrilled to present it to you.
The 4 stories and 6 poems in this collection, featuring both old and new, somewhat inexperienced voices; writers from across different races, sieved from the many entries we received, are everything beautiful and intriguing. From fictional angels to demons to real life issues, the stories in here span a variety of genres; and so do the poems, exploring the subject of pain and everything in between pain perfectly.
We believe you’d have fun whilst on this one. Do have fun.
Thank you again.
Ubong Johnson,
Editor Fiction Niche.
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