Dear God | Rachael Aiyke

there are days when
the man in the sky
to make you dread
moments he doesn’t
want you dead.

even now, the Word
haunts you:
Woe unto you!”

to you,
life on earth is but hell; it is yet
another damnation on your soul.

Woe unto you!”
condemnation continues

life is hard.
life is hell:

he who shall lose his life for my sake,
shall find it


/dear God,
mama’s voice is breaking as
she pleads,
papa’s holy cane
kissing her well-tended skin.

I can’t believe I’d hoped
that if I gave my all,
the man in the sky
will give it back.

when the whip
caught mama’s throat
and she whispered:
cast your cares unto him.
I’d hoped,
that the man in the sky
will see her soul;
the bloody tears
& salted fears within the empty

touch not my anointed,
and do my prophet no harm:

touch your prophets, God.

when that whip landed
and she fell,
I thought:
“I will give my angels charge over thee,
lest you dash your feet against a stone.”

I can’t believe I’d hoped you’d be God.
God enough
to make it all go away.

The Poet:

Rachael Aiyke is a Nigerian-bred art enthusiast who lives in Lagos. All her life, she has strived to find a home, and she is still striving.When she’s not writing or making PowerPoint plans, she’s eating biscuits and thinking of how to get man.She can be reached on the Facebook as Rachael Aiyke, Twitter as @rachaiyke, and Instagram as therealaiyke.

5 thoughts on “Dear God | Rachael Aiyke

  1. Joan says:

    This is beautiful, and really what most of us want to say but do not know how to say it.

    Keep winning, girl.

  2. A. says:

    I cried. I hardly do.
    This is a beautiful poem, Rachael.

  3. Joshua Jackson says:

    relatable. really. very structural and also sweet. lots of emotions attached which is what makes it even better. hope there’s a continuation


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