Somewhere in the third heavens, where the four winds meet; where the stars sleep, where the sun does not shine and the moon is only a rock.
Paces behind him, Raphael stands, wings spread out, the angel’s hands on the pommel of the longsword strapped to his waist. Before him, a line of angels is in view, legions, waiting until it is their turn to be screened.
It is that time of eternity again, when the sons of God have to come show themselves to God. Every once in a million years since Satan’s fall, this time comes. It’s a ritual now, a tradition.
When one angel steps forward, tall and massive in his flowing white garb, Gabriel can tell that there is something different about him. He does not look like an ordinary angel. No. He would try to look at his face, to note his eyes, but the strange angel would look the other way, careful to avoid Gabriel’s gaze.
“What is your name?” Gabriel asks after a second.
“Rhelur,” Gabriel mumbles, flipping pages of the massive and golden book atop the emerald stand in front of him, eyes searching for the name.
“Did you say Rhelur?”
“Yes. My name is Rhelur.”
“I can’t…I can’t find your name…h…”
Gabriel does not finish speaking when, from behind him, Raphael barks a shout, the angel’s longsword hissing out of its scabbard, glistening in the air.
“He is not one of us!”
In a moment, six other angels close in on the one who is called Rhelur. Rhelur does not resent when they pull him. He does not try to snatch his arm back.
He rather follows, gently, as the angels take him into a throne room, within which stands a massive throne between two other smaller ones, the one who is seated upon this massive throne ensheathed in blinding light. The angels holding Rhelur captive fall to their feet the moment they enter the throne room. But Rhelur does not.
His eyes search the room. He isn’t a stranger here. Long ago, he used to sit right next to the one seated on the massive throne and make music. For this one. No. He is not a stranger.
“Lucifer.” God laughs. His voice is like a roaring thunder, reverberating across the room, causing even bones to tremor. “You are Rhelur now? Oh, morning star. Look what you’ve become.”
Silence, and then God continues. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again, Lucifer. Where have you come from?”
“Oh, God. I have come from nowhere. I have moved to and fro upon the face of the earth, looking, searching for the one who would bring shame to you.”
“Haha.” God laughs again. “And have you found him?”
“Yes. His name is Job, and he would betray you.”
“Job? He would not.”
“Not right now. And that’s because you have build a hedge around him. Remove that hedge, take away your coverage, and watch him curse you to the death. Hand him to me.”
“You think?”
“Okay, then. I have. Go harm him. But don’t touch his life.”
“Thank you.”
Lucifer bows, and then he leaves, smiling.
Wahala for who answer Job, sha.